Sample Wedding Ceremony
I very much enjoy celebrating through public ceremony loving commitment shared by two people, regardless of their race, religious identity, financial or social status, gender identification or sexual orientation! Both my Interfaith background and my Unitarian Universalist affiliation support this stance. As such, I am happy to work with each couple to design a ceremony that truly reflects their values, lifestyles and interests. My emphasis is upon the ritual celebration of the union, which is spiritual in nature. However, there is also the legal aspect of marriage. At the time of this writing, this aspect is unfortunately still largely restricted to heterosexual couples.
Please note that the sample ceremonies provided, while sometimes containing words "bride" and "groom" or "husband" and "wife", can and will easily be adjusted to honor the love and commitment of ANY couple! If you have any questions, concerns or recommendations, please feel free to contact me!
Music Processional (Full bridal party-take their places. Bride is escorted by her father. Bride goes to seated mother of bride and mother of groom – presents them with a rose and private words of thanks and appreciation. Bride takes her place with the groom before the officiant)
Welcome…beloved friends and family of (NAME) and (NAME)… many of whom have traveled MANY miles to be here with them today…to bear witness to and to support their decision to unite in marriage!
EACH of you here today has contributed to their individual lives in unique and significant ways, helping them become WHO THEY ARE today, and to offer that gift to each other!
In acknowledgment of the importance of relationship…of family and friends to their own well-being, (NAME) and (NAME) wish to remember, through a moment of shared silence, those who were unable to be here today:
(Shared silence)
Through the power of our minds and the love of our hearts, we are joined….and strengthened.
Prayer Let us pray:
Gracious God, abiding Spirit of Life and Love…open and fill us with your presence! Elevate our spirits, lift our hearts and our minds as we joyously celebrate the love these two have found together! May it enrich their lives and be a source of inspiration to all…a reminder of the power of grace and of everlasting love. Amen.
About the couple (NAME) and (NAME), in having found love through each other, and in joining together in commitment, are taking part in the timeless and mysterious drive of human souls toward relationship.
The MANNER in which they have found each other…and in which they publicly commit to one another…is a sign ALSO…of something significant: of CREATIVITY, of TRUST, and of how small the world has become!
(NAME) and (NAME) met almost (NUMBER) (years/months) ago.
In private they shared their hopes and expectations with each other, gave their commitment one to the other and today they stand publicly before this gathering of family and friends, prepared to enter into the creation of an entirely NEW stage of their lives – the formation of their OWN new family history!
Readings (NAME) and (NAME) have chosen readings, special to them, which they wish to share with you today.
(NAME) will read passages from (AUTHOR/TITLE) (await reading, then announce:)
Message to the couple: Marriage is a SACRED TRUST, a deep and profound sharing; perhaps the greatest and most challenging adventure in the most intimate of human relationships. It is the joyful uniting of TWO people, whose care and affection and understanding have flowered into a deep and ABIDING LOVE.
For those who take these vows, their lives join as ONE, as the waters of two rivers are mingled when they flow together to form a greater one.
A TRUE UNION is an act of TRANSFORMATION, a profound MYSTERY of creation and rebirth, as two lives are blended into one. This is NOT a loss or giving up of oneself, but rather a giving OVER of self to something GREATER!
IN this process you will each be challenged to discover again, and again, NEW depths and possibilities in yourselves and each other
This gathering…and the vows you will speak to one another today, are the GATEWAY into this mystery. In a sense, the whole of your lives until now has brought you HERE, to THIS moment…and TOGETHER you now give OVER to the creation of something wholly new and transcendent… something that has NEVER existed before – your unique marriage!!!….
This GIVING OVER is at the same time public and private, precious, sacred, AND truly unique to the two of you! IN this act you open yourselves to an ever-fuller experience AND expression of the vast miracle of love!
NO ceremony CAN of itself CREATE a marriage. ONLY the two of you can do that, with LOVE, PATIENCE, DEDICATION, PERSEVERANCE, through listening and laughter, cooperation and play, through learning to FORGIVE, learning to respect AND to appreciate your differences…and learning to make the IMPORTANT things in life matter and let go of the rest!
The commitment to love that forms the HEART of marriage doesn’t mean that you’ll never feel angry with each other, or hurt. It doesn’t mean that life together will always be easy, fun or free from care. It DOES mean that EVERY argument or misunderstanding WILL be followed by FOREGIVENESS, and that the challenges and the sorrows of life will be EASED by the tenderness you feel in each other’s arms and the SAFETY you feel in each other’s hearts.
…AND, it means that you will walk through the rest of your days with a TRUE FRIEND beside you; one with whom you can laugh and cry, grow old and feel forever young! Today you join each other’s paths. We rejoice with you and bless you on your way!!!
Vows and Exchange of Rings As we begin the exchange of vows and of rings to symbolize these vows…
I REMIND you (NAME) and (NAME)…that the vows you are about to say to one another belong entirely to you! The words I speak have NO special powers……and NOTHING that I can say or do on THIS DAY can ultimately make your marriage endure with BEAUTY…FIDELITY…and JOY…ONLY YOU, by the INTEGRITY of YOUR LOVE, can make THESE vows… MEANINGFUL and LASTING!
(NAME) please face your beloved and repeat after me these words as your vows:
· I, (NAME), take you, (NAME)
· as my friend and love,
· beside me and apart from me,
· in laughter and in tears,
· in conflict and tranquility,
· asking that you be no other than yourself,
· loving what I know of you,
· trusting what I do not know yet,
· in all the ways that life may find us.
((NAME) is given (NAME)’s ring…)
(The Groom places the Bride’s ring on her finger and says:)
· (NAME), I give you this ring
· as a symbol of my vow
· and with all that I am, and all that I have,
· I honor you!
(NAME) please face your beloved and repeat after me these words as your vows:
· I, (NAME), take you, (NAME),
· as my friend and love,
· beside me and apart from me,
· in laughter and in tears,
· in conflict and tranquility,
· asking that you be no other than yourself,
· loving what I know of you,
· trusting what I do not know yet,
· in all the ways that life may find us.
(NAME) is given (NAME)’s ring…)
(The Bride places the Groom’s ring on his finger and says:)
· (NAME), I give you this ring
· as a symbol of my vow
· and with all that I am, and all that I have,
· I honor you!
The Unity Candle (NAME) and (NAME)…NO LIFE…no UNION…stands apart. It is supported through the LIGHT OF LOVE passed on from one life to another.
As SYMBOL of this mystery, let your parents pass a common flame to you, which YOU will join together in the creation of a NEW one…that representing your new life together!
(Source candle stands on table. Bride’s mother and groom’s mother hold unlit taper candles, which they hold up to the source candle, so that their tapers become lit. They give those tapers to the bride and groom. The bride and groom then unite their flames over the unlit wick of a 4th candle, representing their new life together – lighting that candle. They put their tapers into candle holders and take their places again. Need: small table, 4 candles, 4 candle holders, matches)
(NAME) and (NAME)…let the symbolic act of RECEIVING this light and joining it in a new form further celebrate the light of your lives…and your LOVE…and your new life together!
What we have ALL witnessed here today -- let NO one put asunder!
Flames must one day be extinguished, but LET YOUR LOVE continue to burn; and let our witness of that love bring us warmth and serve as a guiding light… to our hearts…from yours. May it give those gathered here today courage and reassurance…through the seasons of their own lives.
The Community Blessing These two KNOW that NO life, no UNION…stands apart. They believe firmly that ALL of life, ALL relationships…both seen and unseen, known and unknown…are interconnected and interdependent. (NAME) and (NAME) seek now…the blessings of this gathered community upon their union… that THEY may be strengthened in their OWN seasons. May all gathered please rise as you are able….(wait)
Do you, family and friends gathered here today,
give these two your blessing in their union? If so, respond, we do...
(Await response)
In blessing their union, do you promise to support them…
to listen, counsel and encourage them
as they experience both the joys and challenges
of a life shared in marriage? If so, respond we will…
(Await response)
So may it be!!! (Pause) You may be seated.
The Pronouncement and First Kiss (NAME) and (NAME)…
You have FREELY and PUBLICLY declared your intentions of loving commitment.
You have also exchanged rings and received the blessings of THIS gathered community of family and friends. By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I am delighted to announce that you are married, and to introduce you for the FIRST TIME, as Mr. And Mrs….(NAME) and (NAME)…(LAST NAME)!!!! You may kiss!
Blessing As you move FORWARD into your new life together:
May you feel no rain for each of you will be shelter to the other.
May you feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
May there be no loneliness for you.
Now you are two bodies, but there is ONE LIFE life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place, to enter into the days of your togetherness.
And may your days be GOOD…and long upon the earth.
So be it!
Recessional (Husband and wife recess, followed by attendants/family. A receiving line is usually formed and the reception begins!)
Copyright © 2004 Stefanie Etzbach-Dale | Home
Please note that the sample ceremonies provided, while sometimes containing words "bride" and "groom" or "husband" and "wife", can and will easily be adjusted to honor the love and commitment of ANY couple! If you have any questions, concerns or recommendations, please feel free to contact me!
Music Processional (Full bridal party-take their places. Bride is escorted by her father. Bride goes to seated mother of bride and mother of groom – presents them with a rose and private words of thanks and appreciation. Bride takes her place with the groom before the officiant)
Welcome…beloved friends and family of (NAME) and (NAME)… many of whom have traveled MANY miles to be here with them today…to bear witness to and to support their decision to unite in marriage!
EACH of you here today has contributed to their individual lives in unique and significant ways, helping them become WHO THEY ARE today, and to offer that gift to each other!
In acknowledgment of the importance of relationship…of family and friends to their own well-being, (NAME) and (NAME) wish to remember, through a moment of shared silence, those who were unable to be here today:
(Shared silence)
Through the power of our minds and the love of our hearts, we are joined….and strengthened.
Prayer Let us pray:
Gracious God, abiding Spirit of Life and Love…open and fill us with your presence! Elevate our spirits, lift our hearts and our minds as we joyously celebrate the love these two have found together! May it enrich their lives and be a source of inspiration to all…a reminder of the power of grace and of everlasting love. Amen.
About the couple (NAME) and (NAME), in having found love through each other, and in joining together in commitment, are taking part in the timeless and mysterious drive of human souls toward relationship.
The MANNER in which they have found each other…and in which they publicly commit to one another…is a sign ALSO…of something significant: of CREATIVITY, of TRUST, and of how small the world has become!
(NAME) and (NAME) met almost (NUMBER) (years/months) ago.
In private they shared their hopes and expectations with each other, gave their commitment one to the other and today they stand publicly before this gathering of family and friends, prepared to enter into the creation of an entirely NEW stage of their lives – the formation of their OWN new family history!
Readings (NAME) and (NAME) have chosen readings, special to them, which they wish to share with you today.
(NAME) will read passages from (AUTHOR/TITLE) (await reading, then announce:)
Message to the couple: Marriage is a SACRED TRUST, a deep and profound sharing; perhaps the greatest and most challenging adventure in the most intimate of human relationships. It is the joyful uniting of TWO people, whose care and affection and understanding have flowered into a deep and ABIDING LOVE.
For those who take these vows, their lives join as ONE, as the waters of two rivers are mingled when they flow together to form a greater one.
A TRUE UNION is an act of TRANSFORMATION, a profound MYSTERY of creation and rebirth, as two lives are blended into one. This is NOT a loss or giving up of oneself, but rather a giving OVER of self to something GREATER!
IN this process you will each be challenged to discover again, and again, NEW depths and possibilities in yourselves and each other
This gathering…and the vows you will speak to one another today, are the GATEWAY into this mystery. In a sense, the whole of your lives until now has brought you HERE, to THIS moment…and TOGETHER you now give OVER to the creation of something wholly new and transcendent… something that has NEVER existed before – your unique marriage!!!….
This GIVING OVER is at the same time public and private, precious, sacred, AND truly unique to the two of you! IN this act you open yourselves to an ever-fuller experience AND expression of the vast miracle of love!
NO ceremony CAN of itself CREATE a marriage. ONLY the two of you can do that, with LOVE, PATIENCE, DEDICATION, PERSEVERANCE, through listening and laughter, cooperation and play, through learning to FORGIVE, learning to respect AND to appreciate your differences…and learning to make the IMPORTANT things in life matter and let go of the rest!
The commitment to love that forms the HEART of marriage doesn’t mean that you’ll never feel angry with each other, or hurt. It doesn’t mean that life together will always be easy, fun or free from care. It DOES mean that EVERY argument or misunderstanding WILL be followed by FOREGIVENESS, and that the challenges and the sorrows of life will be EASED by the tenderness you feel in each other’s arms and the SAFETY you feel in each other’s hearts.
…AND, it means that you will walk through the rest of your days with a TRUE FRIEND beside you; one with whom you can laugh and cry, grow old and feel forever young! Today you join each other’s paths. We rejoice with you and bless you on your way!!!
Vows and Exchange of Rings As we begin the exchange of vows and of rings to symbolize these vows…
I REMIND you (NAME) and (NAME)…that the vows you are about to say to one another belong entirely to you! The words I speak have NO special powers……and NOTHING that I can say or do on THIS DAY can ultimately make your marriage endure with BEAUTY…FIDELITY…and JOY…ONLY YOU, by the INTEGRITY of YOUR LOVE, can make THESE vows… MEANINGFUL and LASTING!
(NAME) please face your beloved and repeat after me these words as your vows:
· I, (NAME), take you, (NAME)
· as my friend and love,
· beside me and apart from me,
· in laughter and in tears,
· in conflict and tranquility,
· asking that you be no other than yourself,
· loving what I know of you,
· trusting what I do not know yet,
· in all the ways that life may find us.
((NAME) is given (NAME)’s ring…)
(The Groom places the Bride’s ring on her finger and says:)
· (NAME), I give you this ring
· as a symbol of my vow
· and with all that I am, and all that I have,
· I honor you!
(NAME) please face your beloved and repeat after me these words as your vows:
· I, (NAME), take you, (NAME),
· as my friend and love,
· beside me and apart from me,
· in laughter and in tears,
· in conflict and tranquility,
· asking that you be no other than yourself,
· loving what I know of you,
· trusting what I do not know yet,
· in all the ways that life may find us.
(NAME) is given (NAME)’s ring…)
(The Bride places the Groom’s ring on his finger and says:)
· (NAME), I give you this ring
· as a symbol of my vow
· and with all that I am, and all that I have,
· I honor you!
The Unity Candle (NAME) and (NAME)…NO LIFE…no UNION…stands apart. It is supported through the LIGHT OF LOVE passed on from one life to another.
As SYMBOL of this mystery, let your parents pass a common flame to you, which YOU will join together in the creation of a NEW one…that representing your new life together!
(Source candle stands on table. Bride’s mother and groom’s mother hold unlit taper candles, which they hold up to the source candle, so that their tapers become lit. They give those tapers to the bride and groom. The bride and groom then unite their flames over the unlit wick of a 4th candle, representing their new life together – lighting that candle. They put their tapers into candle holders and take their places again. Need: small table, 4 candles, 4 candle holders, matches)
(NAME) and (NAME)…let the symbolic act of RECEIVING this light and joining it in a new form further celebrate the light of your lives…and your LOVE…and your new life together!
What we have ALL witnessed here today -- let NO one put asunder!
Flames must one day be extinguished, but LET YOUR LOVE continue to burn; and let our witness of that love bring us warmth and serve as a guiding light… to our hearts…from yours. May it give those gathered here today courage and reassurance…through the seasons of their own lives.
The Community Blessing These two KNOW that NO life, no UNION…stands apart. They believe firmly that ALL of life, ALL relationships…both seen and unseen, known and unknown…are interconnected and interdependent. (NAME) and (NAME) seek now…the blessings of this gathered community upon their union… that THEY may be strengthened in their OWN seasons. May all gathered please rise as you are able….(wait)
Do you, family and friends gathered here today,
give these two your blessing in their union? If so, respond, we do...
(Await response)
In blessing their union, do you promise to support them…
to listen, counsel and encourage them
as they experience both the joys and challenges
of a life shared in marriage? If so, respond we will…
(Await response)
So may it be!!! (Pause) You may be seated.
The Pronouncement and First Kiss (NAME) and (NAME)…
You have FREELY and PUBLICLY declared your intentions of loving commitment.
You have also exchanged rings and received the blessings of THIS gathered community of family and friends. By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I am delighted to announce that you are married, and to introduce you for the FIRST TIME, as Mr. And Mrs….(NAME) and (NAME)…(LAST NAME)!!!! You may kiss!
Blessing As you move FORWARD into your new life together:
May you feel no rain for each of you will be shelter to the other.
May you feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
May there be no loneliness for you.
Now you are two bodies, but there is ONE LIFE life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place, to enter into the days of your togetherness.
And may your days be GOOD…and long upon the earth.
So be it!
Recessional (Husband and wife recess, followed by attendants/family. A receiving line is usually formed and the reception begins!)
Copyright © 2004 Stefanie Etzbach-Dale | Home